
  Dialog - class to represent Dialog
(Dialog.__doc__ reports only 'Dialog'

... so use this information with care)

  see 'yourFontLabFolder/Macros/Effects/digital.py' for an example


  Dialog(DialogClass) - generic constructor


  size (Point)   - size of the dialog as a Point object
  title (string) - title of the dialog




  Center()                    - center dialog on screen

  AddControl(integer ControlType, Rect dimension, string identifier, integer ControlStyle)
                              - adds a control to the dialog, see FLdict for
                                Type- and Style-constants

  GetValue(string identifier) - get value from the specified control

  PutValue(string identifier) - put value to the specified control

  Enable(string identifier, integer value)
                              - enable (value=1) or disable (value=0) the specified control

  Show(string identifier, integer value)
                              - show (value=1) or hide (value=0) the specified control

  SetLabel(string identifier, string value)
                              - set the label of the specified control

  GetRect(string identifier)  - get dimension of the specified control as a Rect object

  Repaint(string identifier)  - redraw the specified (custom)control

  Run()                       - run the dialog

  End()|End(integer returnvalue) - end the dialog