
  Canvas - class to represent screen paint area and operations
This class can perform automatic coordinates transformations,
so you can draw in Glyph coordinate space or, if you prefer,
in screen coordinates directly
Use constants defined for FontLab module in Fldict to assign attributes
to Canvas object


  ++ Never create Canvas object explicitly - they must be obtained from the FontLab's
                                             window classes
  Canvas()       - generic constructor, creates an empty Canvas
  Canvas(Canvas) - copy constructor



  delta (Point)                     - horizontal shift during coordinates
  scale (Point(float))              - scaling during coordinates transformation
  parent (read-only)                - parent object
  draw_style (integer, write-only)  - sets current drawing mode (copy, XOR,
                                      invert etc.)
  pen_color (integer, write-only)   - sets current pen color
  pen_style (integer, write-only)   - sets current pen style (solid, dashed etc.)
  brush_color (integer, write-only) - sets current brush color
  brush_style (integer, write-only) - sets current brush style (solid, patterned etc.)
  text_color (integer, write-only)  - sets color for a text
  bk_color (integer, write-only)    - sets color for a text background
  bk_mode (integer, write-only)     - sets background mode for a text output
                                     (transparent or opaque)






  MoveTo(Point p) | (x, y)              - moves current position to p
                                          or (x, y) coordinates
  LineTo(Point p) | (x, y)              - draws a straight line to the position p
                                          or (x, y) coordinates
  CurveTo(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2) - draws a 3th-order Bezier curve
                                          from the current point to points p0, p1, p2
  SplineTo(Point p0, Point p1)          - draws a 2th-order Bezier curve
                                          from the current point to points p0, p1
  Ellipse(Rect r) | (Point p0, Point p1) | (x0, y0, x1, y1)
                                        - draws a filled ellipse
                                          defined by the Rect r,
                                          points p0 and p1
                                          or set of coordinates
  Rectangle(Rect r) | (Point p0, Point p1) | (x0, y0, x1, y1)
                                        - draws a filled rectangle
                                          defined by the Rect r,
                                          points p0 and p1
                                          or set of coordinates
  Convert(Point p)                      - converts coordinates
                                          from the source coordinate space
                                          to screen coordinates
  UnConvert(Point p)                    - converts screen coordinates
                                          to the currently defined coordinate space
  FitGlyph(Rect r, Glyph g) | (Rect r, Glyph g, WeightVector w)
                                        - recalculates parameters
                                          of coordinate conversion function
                                          to fit glyph g into rectangle r
                                          using currently selected options.
  FillGlyph(Glyph g) | (Glyph g, WeightVector w)
                                        - fills the glyph g using current
                                          coordinate transformation.
  OutlineGlyph(Glyph g) | (Glyph g, WeightVector w)
                                        - draws the glyph g outline using current
                                          coordinate transformation.
  TextOut(Point p, string s) | (x, y, string s)
                                       - draws the string s in the position p or (x, y)
  PutImage(Image i, Point p) | (Image i, Point p, int mode)
                                       - puts Image i at the selected point